Enrolment options

LSLTW Course Cover

By the end of this course you will be able to: 

  • Outline how science in the early years manifests itself through play and exploration
  • Describe how scientific opportunities can support children's development across all areas of learning
  • Create sensory opportunities for younger children
  • Design an environment that provides provocation for children to learn about science and the world around them.


Who should complete this course?

This course is suitable for individuals working with children in early years, e.g. nursery practitioners, pre-school practitioners, playgroup practitioners and childminders. The content is tailored to early years frameworks within the Home Nations.

Enter your enrolment key below or visit www.ndna.org.uk/development-zone to purchase one
Enter your enrolment key below or visit www.ndna.org.uk/development-zone to purchase one