Enrolment options

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act came into force on the 1st July 2015. One of its provisions was to place a duty on organisations, including Early Years Settings and Schools to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. This duty is known as the 'Prevent Duty'.

Key Topics Include:

  • Explore the context of the Prevent Duty
  • Highlight how Prevent links with your other policies and procedures
  • Discover what is meant by Fundamental British Values
  • Identify how these values link to everyday early years practice.

We will introduce the Prevent Duty and Fundamental British Values exploring how they fit into your every day Early Years practice.

Who should complete this course?
This course is suitable for individuals working with children in early years, e.g. nursery practitioners, pre-school practitioners, playgroup practitioners and childminders. The content is tailored to early years frameworks within the Home Nations.

Enter your enrolment key below or visit www.ndna.org.uk/development-zone to purchase one
Enter your enrolment key below or visit www.ndna.org.uk/development-zone to purchase one