Enrolment options

This online course encourages nursery owners and managers to support and engage their staff on the positive methodology behind the appraisal system.
It highlights the benefits of conducting appraisals for individuals and the organisation.
It also provides good practice advice and tips to help managers prepare their staff for the appraisal process and ensuring appraisals are conducted in a consistent and competent manner.

By the end of this course learners will:

• Understand the purpose and benefits of appraisals 
• Improve their knowledge of the appraisal process
• Be able to conduct appraisals effectively and consistently
• Contribute effectively and encourage staff to contribute to appraisals 
• Communicate ideas constructively and effectively regarding appraisals.


Who should complete this course?
This course is primarily aimed at nursery owners, managers and those with responsibility for conducting staff appraisals. This course provides you with three guided learning hours which contributes towards your Continuous Professional Development.

Enter your enrolment key below or visit www.ndna.org.uk to purchase one
Enter your enrolment key below or visit www.ndna.org.uk to purchase one