Enrolment options

This course is suitable for early years practitioners in England responsible for the coordination of SEND provision within their early years setting. The course will help you understand the education, health and care Plan (EHCP) process. It will provide an overview of the steps within the process, and the role of early years practitioners in supporting children who need or already have an EHCP in place. 

Course Topics

  • Understand the role of the education, health and care plan in supporting children with SEND 
  • Identify the sections of the education, health and care plan 
  • Know when and how to request an education health care needs assessment. 
  • Know the legal timelines and expectations as defined by the EHCP process
  • Working in partnership with all those involved in a child’s education health and care plan
  • Identify the key steps in the annual review process. 


Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)